Thanks to a major financial commitment from the Guy Laliberté Foundation in 2023, Zú now awards two $15,000 grants each year to companies that have received support from the organization.

The Impact Startup Grant rewards a startup with a technology product or business model that has a positive social or environmental impact. This grant aims to encourage startups to integrate ESG criteria from the beginning of their growth and to commit to solving substantial problems in their community.

The Women Entrepreneurship Grant rewards a startup whose shareholders are 50% or more women. Currently, women make up an average of 13-15% of shareholders in Canadian technology companies. This grant aims to address this critical industry issue by encouraging female technology entrepreneurship in the creative industries.

The Guy Laliberté Foundation’s commitment to Zú and its startups will have a significant impact on the sustainable development of the companies, promoting diversity and responsibility in the technology sector. This initiative will not only benefit the startups it supports, but will also have a positive impact on society as a whole.


Winners 2023: 

The Women Entrepreneurship Grant : Danse Bloom
The Impact Startup Grant : Splitom 

Winners 2024: 

The Women Entrepreneurship Grant : Heylist
The Impact Startup Grant : Giglinked