COVID-19: The example of China, crisis management and recovery


11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Add to Calendar

Saimen’s team, which consists of around 80 people in Shanghai, has lived through the coronavirus epidemic before us.


Saimen, based in Quebec and in Shanghai, supports Canadian companies, especially startups, to transit from prototype mode to mass-production and commercialization of their products. In parallel, the Realive division of Saimen supports various multimedia, creative and entertainment organizations in their Chinese market development and operations.

Saimen which employs 80 people in Shanghai, experienced the coronavirus epidemic before us. How did they manage the anxiety level of their employees? What work processes have they developed? How did they get through and approach the end of the crisis?
Share a discussion with Jean-Luc Hébert, Vice President International Sales & Marketing of Saimen in Montreal. Entrepreneurs can definitely learn from Saimen’s experience and how to get through it. Read Saimen’s article published in Les Affaires.

Feel free to share your questions in advance!

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