A look back at the Innovation and Technology Summit · Article

Relive the Innovation and Technology Summit in pictures!
This landmark event featured..:
- 1 conference
1 panel discussion
1 book launch
2 workshops dedicated to Zu startups
9 expert speakers
170 participants!

8:30 AM – Door opening
9:00 AM – Conference and panel discussion with Catherine Mathys
Conference: Technology trends and opportunities
Emerging technology trends that are shaping the future of startups. In this conference hosted by Catherine Mathys of Société des demains, we explored the challenges and opportunities that these possible futures present for standing out on the world stage.
Panel discussion : How technologies from the creative industries can impact other sectors.
Adjacent innovation or “cross-pollination” considers that the most impactful ideas are transferable from one economic field to another. Let’s see how technologies developed in the creative industries can be applied to other industries.
11:00 AM – Launch of the book ” WEB3: Charting the Internet’s Next Economic and Cultural Frontier” by Alex Tapscott (English)
During his presentation, Alex Tapscott guided usu through the next Internet revolution, revealing the technologies and concepts that will revolutionize the world.
Following the launch, attendees received a complimentary copy of the book.