KPMG in Quebec and Zú, a unique hub for creative industries in downtown Montreal, join forces today to support young technology startups. These incubated entrepreneurs will receive tax and consulting services to accelerate the development of their innovative projects and help create wealth in Quebec and promote local creativity.

The approach taken by KPMG and its Ventures team will help Zú’s entrepreneurial community advance through each stage of the business life cycle. KPMG’s experienced professionals will provide a wide range of services, from help in obtaining tax credits and grants to audits of financial statements, advice on ESG issues and strategic partnerships. In addition, KPMG will offer workshops and training to the incubated entrepreneurs and members, tailored to their specific needs.

« We are committed to supporting the emergence of businesses at Zú by helping them validate their market, test their technology and accelerate their growth. This will be achieved by giving them access to our network of local and international professionals, clients and partners. The new business models and technical-creative spirit in the Zú community are truly inspiring, and this future collaboration will also allow us to deploy innovation through our ambitions. »

Benoit Lacoste-Bienvenue, Managing Partner, Province of Quebec, KPMG

Zú is an incubator initiated by Guy Laliberté in 2018. It supports and propels creative entrepreneurs who use technology to develop products and content that revolutionize the cultural, creative, and entertainment industries. To this end, the organization takes a comprehensive look at all an entrepreneur’s needs by teaming up with the best partners, and meets the identified needs by sharing knowledge.

« We are proud to collaborate with and welcome such a prestigious firm as KPMG into our ecosystem. The arrival of KPMG sends a powerful message to the members of the Zú community about our desire to support them by providing the most highly developed know-how in the country. This new partnership fills a major need in the service offering we provide to our community »

Dimitri Gourdin, General Manager, Zú.


KPMG in Quebec

KPMG LLP, an Audit, Tax and Advisory firm, is a limited liability partnership. Our 1,800+ people bring experience, engagement and diverse backgrounds to work every day to support Canadian organizations and communities. Across our various services, our goal is to be difference-makers by delivering innovative ways of thinking, digitally enabled solutions and exceptional service to help our clients manage risks, seek out new opportunities and stay competitive.

The firm is established under the laws of Ontario and is a member of KPMG’s global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.