For the second time, SODEC has teamed up with Zú to offer a new opportunity to entrepreneurs in the creative sectors: the SODEC Acceleration program.

This program aims to support companies in the development of technological solutions, enabling them to increase their revenues through the commercialization of a newly-developed technology.

This fall, this unique cohort will offer up to 10 Quebec companies 10 weeks of support. Centered on Design Thinking and Lean Startup methodologies, the program will offer collaborative workshops to support early-stage projects and transform ideas into viable commercial offerings.


Program Details :

  • Collaborative Online Workshops / In-Person Meetings
  • 10 weeks, from October 14th to December 20th
  • Maximum of 10 projects selected


You are a company that :

  • Operates primarily in the audiovisual, book, publishing, craft, art market, music, entertainment and digital sectors
  • Has been in business for at least 12 consecutive months
  • Currently generating revenue

Would you like to :

  • Increase your sales?
  • Validate the feasibility of marketing a new business line around your technology product?
  • Structure your business model and refine your value proposition?
  • Create a plan for registering the intellectual property of a technological solution developed within your company.

–> This program is for you!


Important Dates :

Starting on June 25th: APPLY HERE

August 14th : Program Information Session –> Register now

August 29th : Application deadline

October 14th : Program begins (10 weeks)




1. Should I submit my application in the name of my current company, or in the name of the project I wish to develop within the program?

Apply in the name of your current company. For team and revenue information, provide your company details.

However, for questions concerning the technological solution, intellectual property, technological maturity, and business model, be specific and refer specifically to the technological project you are developing in-house.

Zú will distinguish between the current company and the future entity.


2. Are there any revenue generation criteria?

There is no minimum revenue requirement.


3. What does the program provide in terms of intellectual property for the technology developed?

It’s normal not to have all the answers at this stage of development. The program is designed to help you obtain exploitation or intellectual property rights for the technology you develop. This technology must represent a unique innovation with significant growth potential.

Together, through our network of partners and collaborations, we will explore your intellectual property options.

To create intellectual property, however, your first version must already be available on the market.


4. What is SODEC’s role and what does it mean for program participants?

Zú is an innovation partner of SODEC, supporting the technology arm of their mission. However, it is important to note that participation in the program does not include any funding or promise of funding from SODEC. You don’t need to be a SODEC customer to apply.

The program is free, as it is subsidized by SODEC, and Zú takes no equity in your business. This allows participants to take full advantage of the resources and expertise offered without any financial or ownership consideration.


5. If you’re eligible for Sodec pre-incubation, are you automatically eligible for incubation?

Not necessarily. However, if you want to join the Zú incubation program to commercialize the same project, you won’t have to go through the selection committee again. The logic of the support continuum means that the 10-week program prepares you for incubation. Often, companies enter incubation one month after the end of the pre-incubation program.

However, if you wait and your project evolves, you’ll have to go back to the selection committee.


6. I don’t have the answers to all the questions in the form. Is this a problem?

No. Please note that depending on the maturity of your project, it’s quite normal for you not to be able to answer all the questions. For example, if you haven’t yet registered your business, it’s normal not to have an incorporation or revenue number, and therefore not to fill in these sections.


7. Why do I need to submit a video with my application?

Video adds a human dimension to your application, enabling our external jury members to connect with the entrepreneurs behind the projects! The idea is always to describe the problem, the technological solution and the market appeal.
We’re not looking for perfection in your editing or generic text. The video is only used internally with the selection committee.


8. What should I emphasize in my video?

Keep your presentation direct and concise, and respect the 3-minute time limit. There’s no need to go into too much technical detail or demonstrate your solution.
Tell us in a few words about the problem you’ve identified and the solution you’ve developed to solve it.
Describe your innovative factor, the elements that justify your traction and the stage of development of your project in a simple, easy-to-understand way.
Give us your vision of the next steps and how Zú’s support could help you refine it.


9. How many people are accepted into the program?

A maximum of 10 projects and a maximum of two people per project are accepted.


*Please note that the program will be offered in French.